The Australian Campdraft Association was formed in 1972, and for the past forty seven years, we have published a newspaper (now known as a magazine) called the ACA News, to our affiliated members and committees. This is the official publication of the Australian Campdraft Association. Campdrafting originally derived from people working cattle in the bush, so it can be understood that many of our members have strong ties to rural lifestyles today.
As our Association and the popularity of campdrafting events have grown throughout the years, so has our magazine. The number of editions printed currently totals to over 270 editions. The ACA News is distributed nationally to our members and committees on a bimonthly basis. As campdrafting is recognised as a family orientated sport, our publication continues to cater to all audiences. It provides information and news related to the Association, which is supplied by members of our ACA Office Team, Executive, Management Committee & Sub Committee, ACA Affiliated Committees, volunteers and many more people. The ACA News also publishes content including, but is not limited to, the following:
- ACA competition title standings.
- Up to date results from ACA affiliated campdrafts.
- ACA rule updates.
- Current ACA calendar of events.
- Campdraft articles.
- Q&A profiles and articles about ACA management committee members, affiliated committee members, competitors, photographers and horses, just to name a few.
- Photography spreads.
- Activities, and much more!
Overall, the ACA News is of great value to members, and we strive to produce informative, newsworthy and interesting content that is of high visual appeal, to our readers for continued enjoyment.