New Member Application New member requests will be processed during office hours. Please note that submitting this form does not automatically create a Campdraft One account. Our ACA Office Team will notify you via email once your account has been successfully set up. Your Full Name Title Mr.Mrs.Miss. Your Telephone Number Your Preferred Password (No special characters allowed) Your Email Address Your Residential Address Your Status as a Rider? (If you have never won a campdraft, you are Maiden) MaidenNoviceOpen Your Date of Birth Have you ever been a Member with ACA before? YesNoNo, but I have volunteered at an ACA campdraft before Member Number? What type of membership would you like to purchase? Adult FullAdult Non-CompetingJuvenileJuniorMiniCasual Do you wish to add others to your account? Enter their names here and please fill out another application for each additional member. (optional) Δ