The Champion Open Lady Rider Competition is the Australian Campdraft Association’s newest competition title, and it commenced at the beginning of ACA’s 2024/25 Competition Season, on 1 April 2024.
It is a national level competition, and it is run in conjunction with ACA’s Open Rider Competition, which sees competitors gain points from Maiden, Novice, Open and Restricted Open campdraft events. The Champion Open Lady Rider Competition will be trialled for the 2024/25 Competition Season.

The highest scoring lady competitor in the Ariat Champion Open Rider Competition at the conclusion of the 2025 ACA National Finals in Goondiwindi, will win the Champion Open Lady Rider Competition. The winning lady will take home a ribbon and buckle, courtesy of ACA. Points from ladies campdraft events will not contribute to the ladies’ points in the Champion Open Lady Rider Competition.
The top twenty standings of the Champion Open Lady Rider Competition will be published in the ACA News during the 2024/25 Competition Season. The standings will also be available on the ACA Website via the Ariat Champion Open Rider Competition Standings Page – the highest scoring lady competitor in this competition will be leading the Champion Open Lady Rider Competition at any time.
For more information about the Champion Open Lady Rider Competition, please contact the ACA Office Team.